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Business Development

What is the best setup to expand? What are the most profitable products to launch first?


Sustainable enterprises must expand and develop its in services in new areas. Stratexis provides the best recommendations based on deep Analysis to choose between the different development axis : Geographically in new Markets , Horizontally thanks to new products and business lines and Vertically upstream and downstream to catch a bigger part of the industry's  value

Post Merger Integration

50% of mergers and acquisitions fail, how to guaranty their success?


We at Stratexis provide frameworks and benchmarks to accompany the important transition represented by integration. Several axis need to be addressed (Strategic, organizational, procedural,...) in the framework of a coherent global plan that should accompany the cultural transformation.

Operations Excellence

How to do more with less?


The operational Excellence is in the heart of today's major challenges. It encompasses Digital Banking, cost reductions, Business processes reviewing and automation

Through several Operational Excellence projects, Stratexis developed a framework that grasps all the good ideas, increases adoption and provides a planning structure to cover 100% of desired perimeter

Regulatory impacts

Early adopters or followers? what are business opportunities and potential setbacks?


Analyzing regulatory projects from a strategic point of view provides a competitive edge versus competition


Our regulatory monitoring provides strategic insights to anticipate impacts and enhance decision making

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